Arizona: DMV Practice test
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You can drive off the road to pass another vehicle:
If the vehicle ahead is turning left.
If there are two or more lanes traveling in your direction.
Under no circumstances.
This sign means:
No left turn can be made here.
A left turn can be made only after stopping.
All traffic must turn right at the next intersection.
If you come to an intersection controlled by a flashing yellow light, you must:
Wait for the green light before proceeding.
Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.
Stop before crossing the intersection.
Just like alcohol and other drugs, drowsiness can:
Help you to be a better driver.
Make you feel better.
Impair your judgment.
An orange and red triangular sign on a vehicle always means:
The vehicle has the right-of-way.
Slow-moving vehicle.
Shoulder work ahead.
This sign means:
There is a 35 mph speed zone after the curve ahead.
Drive no slower than 35 mph around the upcoming curve.
Approach the upcoming curve at a speed of 35 mph or slower.
If your car's suspension is bad, it can cause:
Vehicle control problems.
Squealing brakes.
Slack in the steering.
If you park facing uphill where there is no curb, set the parking brake and:
Turn your wheels toward the edge of the road.
Turn your wheels away from the edge of the road.
Keep your wheels facing straight.
As you approach the top of a hill, you should:
Speed up slightly.
Prepare to stop, if needed.
Maintain a steady speed.
This sign means:
Upcoming downgrade or hill.
Road construction area.
Upcoming narrowing of roadway.